Citizen Action Sheet

Here are some ways you can easily become active in your community.

1.  Know who represents you.  Know your Congressional and Legislative Districts.  Keep your representatives contact information handy so you can contact them during important votes.  They work for you not the other way around. They need to hear from you.  Our site can assist you in this effort by providing language that you can copy, paste into an email and personalize for your representatives. Look for: Contacting Your Representatives on our Homepage.

2.  When possible, attend events:  Townhalls, School Board, County Council, Rallies, Conferences, etc...  These are great ways to meet new people and learn first-hand what is going on in our state.

3.  Educate yourself.  Our website has many links at the bottom of the page that can help you get a better picture of our state finances and political climate.  Being armed with facts is a great way to get a point across when you find yourself in a situation where people are using meaningless talking points.

4.  Write Letters to the Editor of your local newspaper and/or get your point across in the comments section of online publications.  People who are on the fence about an issue can be swayed with a factual, well-written, unemotional argument.

5.  Get to know your neighbors.  There are more of us than you think.  When you find a neighbor who is like-minded or who "doesn't follow politics," exchange contact information and invite them to various events close to home.  Attend neighborhood events when possible and try to find a few kindred spirits. Check in with them before Election Day and remind them to vote!

6.  Consider becoming a Precinct Chair or Co-Chair.  This is a very important job because it is essential to connecting with local voters, making sure they are informed and planning to get out and vote.  It also helps our Candidates to have accurate and up to date voter information for maximum return on investment for campaign literature. If your voting precinct already has a Chair, offer to help or Co-Chair.

7.  Consider becoming an Election Judge or a Poll Watcher. Contact your County Board of Election to apply for Election Judge, or to become a Poll Watcher.

8.  Consider joining local politically active groups like Republican Women's Clubs.  There are many in our area and they are on the front lines of educating voters, assisting with voter registration, campaign activities and defending our values and principles.
Find a Club:

9.  Join a campaign.  Find a local or statewide Candidate that you like and volunteer.  Campaigns need lots of help and your skills can always be put to good use!

10.  Run for office!  Every election cycle there are openings and good Candidates are needed.  There are also many organizations that can help you learn how to run a campaign as well as many people in our area who are experienced in staffing campaigns and organizing events and volunteers.

11. Follow our blog by adding your email:  Please also add our website to your social networking pages.  Spread the word!  Facebook and Twitter are great ways to convey information.

Your additional ideas for citizen action can be emailed to us at:

Thank you!

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